shor is a book of fiction, exploring themes of queer, decolonized worldmaking, the politics of pleasure, the anthropocene, and the tenderness of interpersonal connections within queer families, especially in the face of catastrophe. Rooted in postcolonial theory, specifically Homi Bhabha’s ‘Third Space’ and Fred Moten’s ‘noise’, the book looks beyond how oppressive systems can be defeated, and into how new worlds can be formed when they are.
Before the saltwater from the Fish That Spewed and the Men Who Cried drowns the world, Asav, a trans woman, realizes she sees 'visions' of the future in the cum stains she leaves on her sheets. She tries to warn the world but only three of her friends, Asha, Mohini and Shor, believe her. They find refuge in a Room that Asav has prepared, in Kolkata, India. But when the saltwater has passed and they open the door, the crew of queer and trans survivors find that the world hasn't just sunk, but entered 'Noise', and that they must rebuild it together, from scratch.