Title: Bearded Flamingos: on ‘Passing’, ‘Migration’ and ‘Camouflage’
Media: Writing, 3D animation, Lecture-performance, Video Installation
Dimensions/Duration: 15m
2017-2018, Visual and Critical Studies Thesis Symposium, Saic, Chicago
Description: “Bearded Flamingos: on ‘Passing’, ‘Migration’ and ‘Camouflage’” is a visual art and writing project that explores identity through the imagined icon of the bearded flamingo. The project rests at the intersection of (post)colonial and (post)human studies, exploring notions of ‘passing’, ‘migration’ and ‘camouflage’ as strategies of survival. Imagining the bearded flamingo as an augmented self that can play with temporality, watch but not be watched, and fly across/over/under/around borders, the project attempts to reinvent (rather than reverse) hegemonic conditions that center cisgendered heterosexual white men to offer space to the self, my self, the non-binary queer immigrant of color. In an airplane.

To read the thesis, click here.