Title: Double-Diamond Decolonizer
Media: Photography, Writing, Whatsapp Voice Call, Installation
2017, ‘Fall BFA Thesis Show’, Sullivan Galleries, Chicago
Description: Double-Diamond Decolonizer is a research-based project that explores the relationships between Jain cosmology and Western cartography, oral and written pedagogies, and my mother and I. Jain cosmology holds that the shape of the universe is a double-diamond. Using this shape as an epistemological tool that is sketched, embodied, and written, always offered (but never translated), always inviting (but never letting in), the double-diamond decolonizes through unapologetic refusal and subtle trickery. it functions by not only challenging dominant cishet eurowestern forms of knowledge-production, and reclaiming it for mumma and i, but also by making those operating within dominant epistemologies aware of their rejection and denial of access.